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Attorney General Files Motion To Stop Mask Mandate From Passing

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As it turns out, not everyone is super keen on the mask requirements, widely becoming popular and required these days. Specifically, we’re talking about the attorney general who decidedly is going against the curve of the circuit court judge. There’s a motion to be heard next month regarding the permanent injunction of a past iteration of St. Louis County’s mask mandate.

This man of Missouri, as it turns out, is going to ask the court to stop the mandate. This will be in response to the mandate from going into effect on Monday.

The Attorney General Is Not Impressed.

โ€œUnder the new state statute that was passed this year by the legislature, once an order like that expires or is terminated as it has essentially, you have to wait six months before you can move forward again.” This is what he’s said in protest of the rights that he clearly feels is being taken away from him. The latest order that has been going into effect on Monday will need individuals older than five years to wear a mask in indoor public spaces. The County Executive Sam Page believes that the new order coming in is really going to affect the townsfolk of St. Louis negatively. As if to choke their rights of having free will. It’s all in the spirit of legal arguments being tied to the case.

Furthermore, a spokesman from the county had this to say โ€œMasks and vaccines protect the health and welfare of our residents and are the best chance to keep our kids in the classroom.โ€

Finally, the St. Louis County Circuit Court thinks of having the motion addressed in the next week. This motion will likely occur on October 18th. But the truth and reality of it is that the mask mandate will save lives. And if anybody has a problem with that, well then they’re part of the problem.

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