Auction Car Shipping

When you can’t locate the vehicle you want, searching outside of your geographic location can produce favorable results. If you decide to go this route, car auctions are a great option. Although not your standard purchasing method, often than not, customers find exactly what they’re looking for. Some of the more prevalent auction websites include eBay Motors, Auction Auto Mall, and, just to name a few.
Online auctions are beneficial for a number of reasons. Not only can you secure a great deal, but most times you will find the exact color/make/model combo you’re looking for. But what happens when you find your dream car at an auction across the country, how do you get it home?
St. Louis Auto Transport is the premier auto shipping company. We have been transporting vehicles successfully since 2006. There is no task too big that we cannot handle. At St. Louis Auto Transport, we understand the setback of settling on the vehicle you want, but it is located outside your city or state. We’re here to make sure that the vehicle gets back to your home safe and sound, and without any hassle!
Auction Win Shipping with St. Louis Auto Transport
St. Louis Auto Transport is extremely experienced when it comes to auction car shipping. Let’s face it, your dream car might be located at an auto auction far away. Not only is this an inconvenience as going to retrieve the car can be a hassle, but it is costly, and not to mention, a waste of time. With St. Louis Auto Transport we remove all the stresses for you as we will pick up the vehicle from any auction in the country. In fact, we’ll drop it right at your doorstep with our standard door-to-door delivery service.
And, with St. Louis Auto Transport, it doesn’t matter how remote the auction location is, or your house for that matter. Plus, we offer both open and enclosed shipping options. The choice is completely up to you. However, enclosed transport is slightly more expensive as it provides maximum coverage for your vehicle. Nevertheless, both are guaranteed secure services.
What’s more, is that St. Louis Auto Transport can easily ship any type of vehicle. Vans, RVs, motorcycles, you name it. And, if you are a car collector with an exotic taste, we provide a premium service to tackle this kind of transport as well. Not to mention, if you need your new vehicle in a hurry, we recommend using our expedited pickup service.