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Federal Rescue Funds Of $500M Await Proper Spending

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Our fair city is dead-set on figuring out how to best spend their money. And fast. All $500,000,000 USD of it! After all, a lot of this has to do with the likelihood that the money could be gone in a flash. How come this is the case? Well, you try being a major American city and then having nowhere else to turn when a pandemic hits you square in the nose. That’s what just occurred these past two years and now it’s going to take a literal village to save the town from what could very well be financial and socio-economic ruin.

Some individuals are being needlessly nihilistic. Take Sharon Mitchell, for instance. She lives in Spanish Lake and sees no other use for the money except for the cash to be given to Senior Citizens for Internet and other utilities. โ€œPut your input in and see how it all falls out. You canโ€™t do it if you donโ€™t try. Itโ€™s like the lottery. If you donโ€™t get a ticket, you canโ€™t say you won. I would like the lights and safety to be fixed. And I would like the committee to come together and work together.”

Federal Rescue Like This Is Nothing To Waste.

Others beg to believe that the money would be much more suitable if it just was sent to food equity. Like Northern St. Louis County resident Janet Lewis. She says “I have a 501-C3 farm called Rustic Root Sanctuary, and I believe that we need to have more money passed down to agriculture and urban farmers so we can feed our community. Thereโ€™s all this food insecurity in north county, and there are farmers that are working hard to overcome that.”

The city is doing okay right now with about $250 million. But $500 million is coming soon and quickly within the following months. Senator Angela Mosley had to ask about the purpose of the meeting. In specific, as to why there were so many inquiries about DARPA funds. Lawmakers are thinking that the money is going to be sent to other organizations through grants. Other state lawmakers going to the meeting, such as a rep. for Congressman Cori Bush, had plenty to say. One lawmaker believed that pleasing the people was of the highest priority to-date. Lawmakers believe the larger decision is going through the election in the fall and will choose the proper lawmakers in order to handle all the money. This is all a matter of decision making and careful thought.

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