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Labor Day Parade Cancelled Due To Continuing Pandemic

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As it turns out, the COVID-19 pandemic has been wreaking havoc all over the United States. And now it hits our innocent little town like moths to a flame. Admittedly, the parade downtown wasn’t going to occur specifically because the spread of the virus itself is just spreading all over the state. Or at least just a variant. But this could spell trouble as the delta variant is likely to impact people in more than one negative way. And with that said, The Labor Day parade isn’t something that city officials really have decidedly thought the virus could impact, but with a combined decrease of vaccinations, somewhat popular to the area, of course individuals will not feel compelled to really cure themselves.

The Labor Council says that Labor Day should very much not be a source of an outbreak if the Delta variant persists to threaten.

The actual parade is looking forward to be held on September 6th in downtown, but like the year prior, the 2020 parade had to be canned. At least, that’s what is the latest according to St. Louis Labor Council President Pat White.”This situation could have been avoided but much of our community continues to refuse to get vaccinated. Vaccinations work. Over 95% of those in our hospitals are unvaccinated and over 99% of the deaths due to COVID are those who are unvaccinated.”

This type of occurrence almost makes you wonder if parades are just super-spreader events, designed to minimize the population down a peg. And yet at what cost? This is killing people, regardless of their vaccination status. It should really be all about your honesty. As of this writing,, there happens to be no actual evidence that masks are causing acute virus-catching masks. All we can do is suggest you stay in as often as you can, get vaccinated and get a job steady enough to support you.

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