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LoadStop On Full Throttle As Fleet Operations Are Accelerated

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LoadStop is making huge strides towards making their fleet operations a heckuva lot more streamlined. What evidence of this may there be? Well, just look at the past year. Despite the setbacks, 2020 showed technologists taking full advantage of the time to quicken trucking companies’ transitions to digitization. While in the past, startups like CloudTrucks and Smart Hop have been able to close millions upon millions in financial funding, some other companies have more fascinating stories.

Such is LoadStop: A Jack-Of-All-Trades in Trucking!

These particular duties vary from real-time visibility tracking and basic shipping perfection to carrier-focused TMS and autonomous dispatching! This is all aimed to enable more acute planning when it comes to routes for shipping and trucking.

Even their co-founder and CEO is proud of these advances! Omer Cheema believes that LoadStop offers “a  one-stop-shop logistics solution for trucking companies.” With the right attitude, LoadStop TMS may fulfill their goal to fill a gap in the market. Shipper-focused offerings are typically way too expensive. LoadStop wants to change this.

Keep the little guys in mind, y’know?

The TMS carrier carries with it a multitude of services. Such services includelogistics processes, automating manual tasks and freight matching.

Isn’t that something?

More solutions that companies may enjoy from working with LoadStop technology also helpo with invoicing and maintenance. With this type of compliance, the team aims to autoate 100% of all back-office tasks.

Another LoadStop exclusive: Autonomous Dispatching. With the patent pending approval, it surely won’t be long. They will target fleet planning especially. From the looks of it, the tool helps algorithms match fleets with the best loads. Another option happens to be end-to-end visibility. This can track shipments, and manage both customers and drivers in an effective manner.

What a stroke of luck that the company had, launching on a public market before the pandemic struck hard last year. This likely gave the company some time to perfect its technology.

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